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Usage Policy

This website is a resource intended to be widely shared.

Please feel welcome to reference any part of it in your community work, grant applications, writing, or otherwise. It is important, however, to give credit where possible. This usage policy aims to help you to do that:


If you are citing items in the annotated bibliography, the full reference information of each article is provided for you.


If you are referencing the literature review, you can cite as follows:
Wise Practices. (2019). Review of Related Literature. Retrieved [insert date] from


If you are referencing the Action Guide, you can cite as follows:
Wise Practices. (2019). Action Guide for Communities. Retrieved [insert date] from


If you are referencing the system-level change guide, you can cite as follows:
Wise Practices. (2019). System-level Change for Life Promotion. Retrieved [insert date] from


If you are referencing any of the particular community initatives featured on this cite, you can see an example below, using the ‘Buffalo Riders’ program:
Wise Practices. (2019). Buffalo Riders: Early Intervention Training Program. Retrieved [insert date] from


If you are referencing any other page on this website, you can cite it by naming the page, and inserting the date you retrieved and the link. Here is an example, using the ‘Project Summary’ page:
Wise Practices. (2019). Project Summary. Retrieved [insert date] from